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So some of you may have seen my previous website over at https://blog
So it’s come around once again, EMFCamp is an event held every 2 years somewhere in the UK (usually south of England as far as i’m aware) where people from all walks of life come together to celebrate anything that’s geeky/nerdy or just plain cool!
So every quarter my company arranges an internal “conference” where the members of my team have to come up with some sort of presentation discussing research or learning that they have done in the past 3 months
Why do I get excited whenever I am presented with a thin client, with an RDP or CITRIX or VMWare View session to a backend virtualised desktop?
Because you can almost guarantee the thin client is the easiest local lockdown check you’ll ever do
Foreword: Irresponsible Disclosure?
I have tried to report this to Microsoft Security Response Center ([@msftsecurity](https://www
So hopefully if you’re reading this you’ve seen mine and Matt Phillips ([@phillips321](https://www
So I’ve done a few posts in the past about getting command prompts from GPO’d workstations and running what’s known as “mobile code” in locked down environments (##, VBS, BAT, Bash, Python, Perl, etc…)
This is an old trick but I ended up doing it the other day just for kicks, it will only work on 32bit systems at the moment (edit
Using VBS to fire up FTP as a local command shell
This is probably a duplicate somewhere but I wanted it noted for my own use anyway – here’s a very handy VBS that does the job nicely for accessing useful commands as a user on a locked down desktop
Cross posting some work of a friend of mine that I was helping with, I say “helping” in the lightest form of the word
To those not familiar with the world of NTFS
So it was the same as any other usual Friday, 10pm I’m shattered after a particularly taxing week at work so laying in bed reading a book (the rock and roll lifestyle of a social pariah) when I get a text from a colleague
You have a website and you’ve proven it’s vulnerable to clickjacking, but what use is fooling a user into submitting a form unless you can specify some of the data that the user is submitting within those fields?
Working on a script for extracting MS numbers for patches as part of my work
Just a neat little way of thinking about logical vs syntax errors
Recently I had to fudge some data so that it would be imported into a database after an outage caused our “php” data loader to try and allocate a crazy amount of memory and die fantastically