Moving Sites / Bloody Brexit
So some of you may have seen my previous website over at
Yep, I owned a .eu domain and as some of you may not be aware, ever since Brexit came into effect and the withdrawal agreement ended, it is no longer possible to own a .eu domain without having a technical/billing contact located within the European Union. Thankfully I have family across the continent and they willingly let me use their home address to handle the initial transition period but with time passing it’s come time to start to look at a new domain for my blog.
The dreaded email telling me that my domain would be terminated due to brexit
Truth is, I didn’t update it nearly enough anyway due to a whole bunch of things. Not the least of which being the annoyance of wordpress as a platform. It’s a heavy beast and forever needs updating and securing. Granted it simplified producing the actual blogs when it was working great, but on more than one occasion it’s caused me no end of pain.
So with a new domain purchased and a old colleague of mine mentioning about Jekyll and Github pages, I’ve embarked on this journey where I’ll be slowly transferring across all the old blog posts I had at my previous site, it’s going to take some time so bare with me, Hopefully interspersed I should bring some new blogposts too!
Anyhow’s hope you like the new look.